"After 28 days on the loose, Annie is now safe at home. She showed up in her driveway this morning and surprised her mom. It's kind of like a Christmas Miracle in July!
Now I'm going to keep this post a bit more brief than I do with others due to negativity that came about on the original post. I have already banned one member of the group and will only say this once on this post... Negativity of any kind will not be tolerated on this page!
Annie's owner has been through the unimaginable. She has worked harder to get her dog back than just about anyone I've seen. The last thing she needed was to be made to feel bad about reaching out for help to get Annie home. She had every right to use the tracker of her choice. This is her dog! Her choices rest on her conscience, nobody else's.
Now onto the positivity! I would like to thank Annie's family for being the family to her that she deserves. You all gave it 110% and as an ACO I appreciate that. We don't see that everyday.
Thank You to Jamie Genereux of Packleader PetTrackers for coming out and doing all you did. The goal was always about getting Annie home. Mission complete!
Last but certainly not least...A HUGE Thank You to each and everyone of you that donated, shared Annie's story and prayed for her. Thank You for also sending Annie's mom kind words when she needed them most. You guys and gals rock!!!! WELCOME HOME, ANNIE!!!"
- Friends of Central Falls Animals