Our dog Roux, a 2-year-old male Great Pyrenees mix, ran off into the woods last night, Wednesday, April 21, at 10 pm. We live near the Calvin Coolidge State Forest (the part just south of Bridgewater, in Reading, VT) and we think he ran in after a fox. His tracks were last found around 11 pm on the far western border of the state forest. He's 120 lbs, white/cream colored, fluffy, and was wearing a bright orange vest. He is wearing a harness with a 32' long bright orange leash that leaves a distinctive line in the snow along with his massive paw prints. He is not motivated by food and is hesitant around strangers, but he loves other dogs. He's only lived here 5 months and we've never taken him that far into the state forest so he may not know his way back. Please share anywhere or with anyone who may be able to keep an eye out for our sweet boy!

I learned something new today. Thanks a lot! xxx area code