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PackLeader PetTrackers
Nov 7, 20182 min read
Tracking, Trailing & Trapping: Non-Interchangeable Approaches to Finding your Missing Pet
There are a variety of ways to find missing pets across different terrain. There is off-leash trailing, city-tracking, suburban tracking,...

PackLeader PetTrackers
Nov 7, 20182 min read
Here's Why Using an Off-Leash K9 is Critical
Off-leash pet trailing, my specialty, has proven to be the most effective means of successfully finding missing pets across a variety of...

PackLeader PetTrackers
Nov 7, 20181 min read
How to Best Utilize 'Missing Dog' Posters
During Suburban Tracking and City Tracking, the use of posters along with trailing dogs can help narrow the search area faster. Posting...
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